Dani has worked so hard on this little itty-bitty headpiece with a big stat bonus that I thought I'd congradulate here properly. I know I haven't blogged a lot lately, but there really is a lot I can talk about. So lets start here.
This crown is a pain in the ass. Not only do you have to get 4 items that are R/E, most of them do not like to drop consistently. Dani must have the luck of the gods. The hardest part that we did together was breaking the fishing rod. That damn thing would just not catch a log. I ended up catching enough fish to pay for the rod though. Thanks SE! /sigh
The 10 of Coins card wasn't bad. As it turned out I needed a 10 of Cups card so after about an hour of killing Cardians they finally dropped. I'm starting to believe more and more that /thf is almost worthless for farming anymore. It's either that or TH1 doesn't effect R/E drop rates. Take your pick, but no one has proof either way anymore.
The Giant Fish Bones was another dual farming. We got those while farming for my Hornetneedle pop items. I think I killed about 40 bees for the pop item and only 2 Tonberrys for the bones. I'm almost disgusted by her luck on drops. ^.^b
The Ancient Salt Dani and I did one night on a whim. It's not hard to get through and we just plowed through mobs until it dropped.
The Lucky Egg ended up being lucky for both of us. It just wouldn't drop for her. But, back to back mobs dropped the coffer key I needed and the egg she needed. It finished my NIN AF so that I could store it and set her very near completion. Brydan enjoyed tearing through the mobs here I am quite sure. Anything that puts his Black gear to work makes him randy like candy.
And then last night. Took us a while to get to camp and get situated in the Cauldron, mostly cause I made a wrong turn getting to camp and lead everyone to the Ash Dragon. Woopsie! But it didn't take long for the skull to drop. Reverandlord pulled on RDM/NIN, while Brydan and I just trashed them on DRK/NIN and SAM/NIN. Have to say that it went much better than I anticipated, and I'm almost 100% sure I can solo them on SAM/NIN. Maybe one day I'll head out and try.
But for now, /kneel to the Queen of the Opo-opos!