Sunday, July 6, 2008

Busy busy, but not with SE

Life can be hectic when you get too involved with other things. I hve friends and relatives coming into town all summer and plenty of my own life things to do to keep me away from the game. Sadly I can say its really not that big of a draw for me anymore. I figured at one point I had completed 90% of the game, and all this new stuff is pointed towards group activities, which I just can't committ to anymore. It's really hard when you play before most people are even off work.

Se la vi.

Anyways, I managed to get 54 Goldsmithing today. Something I've put off for a long time mostly because it is a gil sink. Since I've sold all my blm, whm, thf, and hp+ gear for pld, I've had the gil to do this. I still have no clue why, but I'm doing it.

Til next time.

Monday, May 12, 2008

S.E is not SquareEnix, it's Slave Entertainment

I do not know why we do it. We spend hours and hours over and over doing the same thing with no result in FFXI. Tonight was the 5th run I've done specifically trying to spawn one NM in Salvage. Tonight is the 5th time it hasn't spawned. It's not that we are running out of time or that we are missing a key component to get to the spawn area. This !@#$ !@#$!@ #$!@#$ mob will just not spawn.

I feel sorry for Ariesol. He's been doing this a lot longer than me and he's getting really frustrated with this single NM. Mind you the NM is 100% drop rate too. He said it best tonight, "I have about as much chance of getting Kraken Club as I do getting this NM to spawn."

Keep your chin up buddy. We'll keep coming until you get it. You can count on us.

SE, suck it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quests are for Knights

Poor Dani. She's gotten suckered into my dream of having every quest done in FFXI. I figure it is one of the few accomplishments that is left that not many have acheived. Not that the rewards are great, but a lot of the stories are fun to read and learn about.

I've completed most of the main city areas. Most of what I have left in the original expansions and game design are the artifact armor for jobs I have yet to level (if I ever will). I'm quite content with completing things over time, so one day they all will be done.

There have been some great places to see cut scenes. I love this waterfall picture. It's from a quest that Dani wanted to do for a long time and that we just keep putting off. Of course, there wasn't much difficulty to what we were doing, but we both have this lazy thing going on.

I almost wish there were more people who enjoy the finer parts of FFXI. It is not all about hack and slash like everyone focuses on. I love to do things that require more skill and motivation than gear and sheer numbers. I've come, over the past few weeks, to the realization that I really do not care how people view my playing abilities. I know that I'm better than most and doing what I can to partake in the game. If that's not good enough for the masses then oh well. It's my $30.

I hope that others decide to join us in doing what we are enjoying. There are just some great views and things to do.

Queen of the Opo-opo!

Dani has worked so hard on this little itty-bitty headpiece with a big stat bonus that I thought I'd congradulate here properly. I know I haven't blogged a lot lately, but there really is a lot I can talk about. So lets start here.

This crown is a pain in the ass. Not only do you have to get 4 items that are R/E, most of them do not like to drop consistently. Dani must have the luck of the gods. The hardest part that we did together was breaking the fishing rod. That damn thing would just not catch a log. I ended up catching enough fish to pay for the rod though. Thanks SE! /sigh

The 10 of Coins card wasn't bad. As it turned out I needed a 10 of Cups card so after about an hour of killing Cardians they finally dropped. I'm starting to believe more and more that /thf is almost worthless for farming anymore. It's either that or TH1 doesn't effect R/E drop rates. Take your pick, but no one has proof either way anymore.

The Giant Fish Bones was another dual farming. We got those while farming for my Hornetneedle pop items. I think I killed about 40 bees for the pop item and only 2 Tonberrys for the bones. I'm almost disgusted by her luck on drops. ^.^b

The Ancient Salt Dani and I did one night on a whim. It's not hard to get through and we just plowed through mobs until it dropped.

The Lucky Egg ended up being lucky for both of us. It just wouldn't drop for her. But, back to back mobs dropped the coffer key I needed and the egg she needed. It finished my NIN AF so that I could store it and set her very near completion. Brydan enjoyed tearing through the mobs here I am quite sure. Anything that puts his Black gear to work makes him randy like candy.

And then last night. Took us a while to get to camp and get situated in the Cauldron, mostly cause I made a wrong turn getting to camp and lead everyone to the Ash Dragon. Woopsie! But it didn't take long for the skull to drop. Reverandlord pulled on RDM/NIN, while Brydan and I just trashed them on DRK/NIN and SAM/NIN. Have to say that it went much better than I anticipated, and I'm almost 100% sure I can solo them on SAM/NIN. Maybe one day I'll head out and try.

But for now, /kneel to the Queen of the Opo-opos!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Been a while...

It's been a long time since I've written. I've had a lot of topics that I could have written about too. But for those of you who do not know me well enough yet, I get busy and I get lazy. I'm a person who gets tunnel focused on what I want to do and I do it. I tend to drop some other projects while I'm focused like that. Such was the blog.

Tonight was no exception. I went at campaign with a serious objective that I wanted to complete in one night. I should have never expected to but I tried. In then end I posted over 10,000 xp to my BLM buffer and another 2,000 on SAM for limit points. The new way of doing campaign is nice for those of use who like to multitask. I rather enjoy going SAM and engaging the Fortifications and then just walking away until its done. It saves me time and effort to get some xp while doing real life things on the side.

I'm finding it difficult with my schedule to get into group events though. No one seems to want to do sky, sea, limbus, dynamis, etc after midnight EST. I can't say that I'm not surprised.

Tomorrow I should finish up my next campaign medal and reset my timer from 7 days back up to 30 days. It will be nice to not have to worry about it for a while.

Crafting is still at 98. I did synth Dani the second signed Noble's on the server. I have to admit I rather enjoy seeing my name on gear that I synthed. Now only if I could HQ like Sansoke.

I have a lot more to write about that I'll save for later. Dani has me leveling THF (yeah, I never would have thought it either), I have Impulse Drive to finish for SAM, I've been toying with buying a Hauby+1, I have completed my haste setup on SAM, and I'm looking at doing a DD build for PLD to go with everything else I have done. I also have toyed with checking how many quests and mission I've done and have left.

Its hard to admit, but I think I'm enjoying the game again.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Code Monkey Loose!

I didn't play at all tonight. I got on long enough to chit chat with some people but not to do anything in game wise.


Because I'm coding. I've begun to rebuild the website for Absolute and gear it towards what my other leaders need to do their jobs. The foundation is set and the pages just need to be written, but I think in the end it will be a valuable tool for the ls. I'm happy where it is headed so far, but it has a long way to go.

Of course it would help if I wasn't so rusty. Nothing is more aggravating than being stuck on a simple problem for so long only to find the solution by accident. I'm sure once I get going the flow will come and the coding will be easier to remember.

I've already coded over 10,000 lines of code for this site and its still growing! Wish someone would pay me to have this much fun at work....

Friday, February 1, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

Been a busy few days!

Dani and I have decided to level her bard with my warrior. In doing that she's been working on her bard levels to catch up. But whenever she gets bored of that she's been power leveling my dark. The other night it was nice to have conversation while she was PLing my really crappy party. The four levels went by really fast and I'm almost done yet another sub job. I've decided in whatever bored moments I may have that I'm going to get all my jobs to 37 just to keep up with the sub job rituals.

Today I updated the website. Its really about time. The overhaul has been needed for a while and I've just not been motivated enough to do it. That, and my internet connection has been utter shit lately. But, desipte all that, I made some huge adjustments to the site and now all I have to do is condense all the forum posts into readable text for applicants. I like where it is headed, I'm just not too sure of the style. I guess we'll see when I'm done.

Its really been a drag working late. Hell even Brydan is usually in bed or logged by the time I get home and he and I work the same shitty schedules usually. I guess I can't complain, money in equals ability to live.

I'm in the middle of cleaning my apartment while selling crap I don't need anymore on the auction house. I'm estatic to finally have space on my characters again.

I need to remember to get with Duckman and Kaley about CoP and getting them through. I might start doing that Monday and Wednesday nights when Dani and I don't level. So much still to do!