Saturday, February 2, 2008

Code Monkey Loose!

I didn't play at all tonight. I got on long enough to chit chat with some people but not to do anything in game wise.


Because I'm coding. I've begun to rebuild the website for Absolute and gear it towards what my other leaders need to do their jobs. The foundation is set and the pages just need to be written, but I think in the end it will be a valuable tool for the ls. I'm happy where it is headed so far, but it has a long way to go.

Of course it would help if I wasn't so rusty. Nothing is more aggravating than being stuck on a simple problem for so long only to find the solution by accident. I'm sure once I get going the flow will come and the coding will be easier to remember.

I've already coded over 10,000 lines of code for this site and its still growing! Wish someone would pay me to have this much fun at work....

Friday, February 1, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

Been a busy few days!

Dani and I have decided to level her bard with my warrior. In doing that she's been working on her bard levels to catch up. But whenever she gets bored of that she's been power leveling my dark. The other night it was nice to have conversation while she was PLing my really crappy party. The four levels went by really fast and I'm almost done yet another sub job. I've decided in whatever bored moments I may have that I'm going to get all my jobs to 37 just to keep up with the sub job rituals.

Today I updated the website. Its really about time. The overhaul has been needed for a while and I've just not been motivated enough to do it. That, and my internet connection has been utter shit lately. But, desipte all that, I made some huge adjustments to the site and now all I have to do is condense all the forum posts into readable text for applicants. I like where it is headed, I'm just not too sure of the style. I guess we'll see when I'm done.

Its really been a drag working late. Hell even Brydan is usually in bed or logged by the time I get home and he and I work the same shitty schedules usually. I guess I can't complain, money in equals ability to live.

I'm in the middle of cleaning my apartment while selling crap I don't need anymore on the auction house. I'm estatic to finally have space on my characters again.

I need to remember to get with Duckman and Kaley about CoP and getting them through. I might start doing that Monday and Wednesday nights when Dani and I don't level. So much still to do!