Monday, November 19, 2007

Welcome to Dani Restaurant!

Well there really is a restaurant named Dani Restaurant. Its southern italian based recipes made by Chef Don Pintabona in NYC. Its off Hudson and Charlton if you ever want to go.

But I was mostly referring to Dani serving up 6 spells, 3 levels, and a new BLU ability on my job of choice lately. BLU is going wonderfully considering the time I've had to give to it. It's becoming more of a MNK type job where all you do is bash damage sources as much as possible until either you or the mob dies. Dani only let me die 4 times. Once because she's evil. The other three were because she's just that evil. Was a fun night and one she wolnt soon let me forget I'm sure. I owe her a ton.

Now Allura has caught up on her COR. So I'll prolly slow down to make sure she can come hang out with me as couples should do. I can tell Allura really likes her COR, probably moreso than BRD. I honestly think it beigns the multiple fuctionality that RDM does to the game, which is why she likes it. But if you really wanna know you should ask her.

Neo finally got his lazy ass back to the game. He's been gone for almost 2 weeks so we are looking forward to progressing in assaults soon. I also have a ZM17 run in the works I will prolly let you all know about.

Either way, I'm keeping busy....

PS. For those of you who dont know about Chef Pintabona, I'd encourage you to watch a 5 minute video on YouTube (URL: as he has become a timepiece in culinary arts of NYC since 9-11.


At November 19, 2007 at 10:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even need to go to that restaurant to know it's awesome. Because anything named Dani is awes...oh wait, apparently it's evil. ;)


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