Friday, November 2, 2007


Last night sucked. Seriously.

I have this mountain of paperwork to finish as a shell leader. Granted Allura has been picking up a lot of my slack. And I have made Dani do all the "talking". But still there was much much more to do. I spent the better part of 3 hours last night verifying and calculating the points structure for our first Northlands run.

You'd think in a shell of friends only we could trust each other to just let the best person for the piece lot. But then how do you determine "best"? It's this kinda politics that just drives me insane. Selfishness just drives me insane. And it's rampant in FFXI.

I know a lot of it has to do with the age range of the server. But still, I wish there was a way to take all the excess work out of decision making and still have a system that doesn't penalize people like Thorvald who has his kids every other week so he can't play. Its frustrating to watch people like Thorvald fall behind because he simply has RL stuff that is more important than a game. Kudos to him for not getting sucked into the black void though.

I really hope they get a lot of AF drops in this first Glacier run for the shell. Last 4 times I was there we got 0 drops. Nothing sucks worse than wasting a million gil on nothing. All I can do is wish them the best of luck. I'll be at work again when they go...


At November 3, 2007 at 5:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, maybe you were the "unlucky" factor in those 4 runs :p

At November 3, 2007 at 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know how i know ur gay?

hahhahaha. take it easy.

u do a good job. keep up the good work.


At November 4, 2007 at 10:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Allura

We did get AF in the Glacier. Yay! Go team! And happily Chasey, who has been having a lot of RL to attend these past few weeks, got his THF AF2. I was real happy to see that AF drop. Soon he will be able to come back and play on a regular basis and not just for Dynamis and COP.

As for you doing paperwork for 3 hours.. Buddy I don't want to hear it! I told you I wanted nothing to do with having to calculate points, and I still don't. Because you let it slide for a couple weeks, got your exp from Besieged until the wee hours of the morning, Blogging here and getting merits when you could have been doing some paper work for 30 min to an hour before meriting.. well all I can say is, you did it to yourself. This week I took the time to do 2 weeks worth of points for you. Calculated them up, and said cross check them as you wish. If that isn't handing it to you then I don't know what is. My plate has been piled with double portions. So you don't have room to gripe about work that gets done on behalf of the LS. I have let RL things slide that I need to be doing in order to pick up the slack.

Don't get me wrong, I am understanding to the hours you put in at your job, and the desire to have time to do what you want to do when you're online. I even have a new appreciation for you in all you were doing before your hours got changed, which screwed you over big time. Not only what you had been doing for this LS but when you were a lead in Fury. Leading events is a huge responsibility. Dealing with members of various personalities in the LS is no easy task either. But no more griping about paper work from you mister. Not when that is one of the few tasks left to be your responsibility.

End Rant


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