Friday, November 9, 2007

A Week Later

It's hard to believe its almost been a week. So much going on and so little time to keep up with things. I admit my organizational skills could be much better... but who cares?

The shell did their first run in Northlands. I'm proud of them. Win and some AF. Just a perfect start to a shitty part of Dynamis. With any luck they will continue to thrive without me. Allura has done a great job stepping in and filling in for me. They are already talking about moving managers around, so I maybe back before Allura kills someone... literally. I'm betting its a taru.

Ranked up my entire assault team this week except me. I'm so far ahead in ranks it doesn't much matter. They are all 15/50 now on Captain's rank. Just wish we could do more than 4 a week with this stupid tag system. Would have been nice if SE placed a way to use IS for tags.

The guys did all the prime avatars for the ls. It was a nice side activity they came up with mostly because people want Fenrir. It's all well and good and I'm glad to see them off to a solid start. I might join them for a fight or two, but I have no need for anything from any prime fight. I say that, but I'll end up throwing my Fenrir's Stone now....

I've started back in on BLU. With my PLD merits block done its the last thing I need to supertank Divine Might. Blue mage hit 17 last night. Need it to get to 37 so I can try this pretty fail safe strat on the fight. I know Allura and I wanted to level her bard with my blue but my schedule sucks so bad that'd take forever. I'll find something else to level with her bard that doesn't kill us. I'm thinking PUP. Of course I'm not.

Devil Came Down to Georgia and got his spanking from Achates. Suck it Trebek.


At November 9, 2007 at 8:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



grammar police


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