Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mr. Merit

Well lately I've been focused on things I've slacked on in game. One of which definitely has been merits for my paladin. I never really worried about being the best with the best, but there is a sense of accomplishment that goes long with checking a list off. So I wrote a list of the merits I'd select under each category a few nights ago.

And then cried.

369 merits it what I'd need to finish the list. That's 3,690,000 experience points. Granted that covers WHM, BLM, SAM, and PLD but still that's a fuckton of xp. But like any person on a mission I hauled out my SAM gear and got to crackin'. The first night was insane. I got a JP party that apparently didn't realize I was NA until about the end of the party. I can't complain though, they racked up 5 merits in a little over 2 hours. For you math wizards that's about 25,000 xp per hour. Pretty damn good.

Today, we dragged Madzraw's butt out to the Mire to reclaim his level he lost doing something stupid. I'm sure it was dynamis related. It usually is. Got a group of friends together and went at it. We racked up about 20k in xp over the time we were alone in the Mire. It's nice to make someone's day a little easier. We all know Madzraw doesn't want to merit his NIN as he's on the SAM craze we all had last year finally. So we racked up a few merits there.

Tonight, after a lengthy council meeting in the linkshell, I set my sights on the last few merits I needed to complete my Paladin sub-block. God did I ask for it. I took a party with a completely screwed up setup. DRK SAM SAM DRG SMN RDM. The RDM subbed BRD. There was no provoke. I thought for sure it'd fail. But I'm a man with a passion for merits at the moment. So, off I went. I honestly say we did not do too bad. I racked up another merit in a little over an hour and spent most of my time pulling. Since I wasn't really meleeing on my SAM, I switched over to polearm and tucked away my Hagun. Worked like a charm as about 15 minutes later I hit 220 polearm skill, the benchmark for Impulse Drive. Looks like I have something new to add to the goal list.

I finished my night by making my paladin merits fly away:

Your Shield Bash Recast Modification has risen to level 1.
Your Shield Bash Recast Modification has risen to level 2.
Your Sentinel Recast Modiciation has risen to level 5.

Now all I need is 3 more merits to finish my paladin block. With one already in the bank I might be able to pull that off before next dynamis. It's always good to mark things off your list.

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At October 31, 2007 at 10:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the merits.

We did primes tonight. Multiple pwns of Ifrit, Levi and Garuda. Hope the Stars game was worth missing all that virtual fun mister!

Oh and I had Bry add your blog to the RSS feed on my phone. I'm not technically saavy enough to do it myself. So you better keep up with this so I have something to do at work.


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